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Aquatic laboratory – UQAC

One of the main infrastructure used by Dr Rautio team is the Aquatic laboratory at UQAC (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi). This lab is where the fatty acids, chlorophyll-a, CDOM, primary production and bacteria production analysis are taking places. It’s divided in 3 parts: main lab, GC-MS lab and radioactive lab.
Simoncouche research forest - Réserve Faunique des Laurentides

This forest is located at kilometer 217 of the Réserve faunique des Laurentides, 20 minutes away from Chicoutimi( Simoncouche lake is one of the main lakes of the forest and the principal lake studied by the team. Subject like winter ecology and the lake food web are studied. Parameters like fatty acids, chlorophyll-a, CDOM and nutrient, primary production and bacteria production are analysed.
Canadian High Arctic Research Station - CHARS

This station is located in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut and it’s operated by Polar Knowledge Canada. CHARS is used by the team when they are sampling in Cambridge Bay. It provides a space and laboratory so they are able to do all the manipulations needed to collect has much samples as possible to pursuit their research.


Département des Sciences Fondamentales

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

555, boulevard de l’Université

Chicoutimi (Québec) G7H 2B1


Phone: 418-545-5011 ext. 5084
Fax: 418-545-5012

Office: P4-4080, Lab: P3-2000

© 2020 par Elise Imbeau

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